Happy Yalda
Yalda Night (Shabe Yalda in Persian), also known as Shab-e Chelle, is an ancient festival celebrated on the longest and darkest night of the year, this year it is the 21st December. During Yalda Night, Iranian families gather to share meals of fruits such as pomegranates, recite poetry, and stay up late, often lighting candles [...]
Future of the Asylum hotels
Yesterday our Asylum and Refugee Coordinator, Laura Cooper, was interviewed by ITV Border, with two of our men's diaspora group about the future of the hotels in Carlisle. Both hotels are due to close early in the new year, with all those currently staying there being moved to alternative accommodation, anywhere in the North West, [...]
First Aid training
First Aid Training from Carlisle Fire Station West Green Watch Some of our men's diaspora groups undertook basic first aid training last week. We attended Carlisle Fires Station East and were trained by Green Watch of Fire Station West. The men learnt CPR, the recovery position, how to manage a heart attack, choking and [...]
Sewing and craft group
New sewing and craft group for diaspora. Come and join us, either as a volunteer or to join the new diaspora craft and sewing group. Each Wednesday in room 15 of Homeacres on the Brampton Road campus of the University of Cumbria, from 4.30-6.30pm. Come and try new crafts, sewing and fellowship within [...]
International Day of Peace 2023
International Day of Peace Each year the International Day of Peace is observed on 21st September, it began in 1981 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said, "Peace is needed today more than ever. War and conflict are unleashing devastation, poverty, and hunger, and driving tens [...]
Hilltop United FC
Hilltop United FC Hilltop United FC played their first games on Sunday at Hammonds Pond against Border City Greens on Sunday as part of the 'Support through Sport' event organised with Carlisle United EDI, Cumberland Council, Carlisle United Community Sports Trust and Carlisle Refugee Action Group. The teams, made of of men seeking [...]
Environmental community support
Environmental community support along the Petteril On Saturday members of the men's diaspora group worked with Eden Rivers Trust to tackle the growing problem of Himalayan balsam growing along the river Petteril. Himalayan Balsam is a non-native invasive species which can produce up to 800 seeds per plant, therefore is capable of spreading [...]
Iranian refugee and former pro footballer finds community in UniSun FC | News and Star
Border Kirk welcomes almost 50 Iranian refugees in Carlisle | News and Star