Multicultural Cumbria has been set up to empower minority groups & the wider community. We aim to improve communication on a grassroots level. Building confidence, self-esteem, social opportunities and community cohesion.

We promote interaction within communities through four key programme areas.

  • Culture

  • Education

  • Events

  • Health & Wellbeing

Our aim is to support individuals & groups from diaspora communities to embrace their culture and share it with friends & neighbours.

We aim to seek out diasporic people that live & work in Cumbria to be actively involved, before we look for skills outside of the county.

To build confidence in Cumbrian ethnic minorities, to promote integration & understanding.


Multicultural Cumbria is committed to increasing communication, tolerance & understanding of different cultures, heritages, and race.

Acting as a point of contact for ethnic minority issues for communities, organisations and statutory bodies

Celebrating world cultures through events and delivering social engagement projects

Promoting integration and breaking down barriers to find solutions to share cultural similarities and differences to reduce ignorance, intolerance and stereotyping

Signposting to relevant organisations that will be better placed to support the needs of individuals.

To culminate in an annual Culture Bazaar, a free community event – celebrating cultures through music, dance, food, sport and activities, reaching people from the whole community in a safe, friendly, positive and welcoming environment. This works as a great networking and awareness event for the ethnic diversity in Cumbria.

Multicultural Cumbria is a charitable incorporated organisation, registered charity number 1176060.


Multicultural Cumbria is committed to increase communication, tolerance & understanding of different cultures , heritages and race.


Celebrating world cultures through events and delivering social engagement projects throughout Cumbria.


Promoting integration & breaking down barriers, finding solutions, sharing similarities & differences to reduce intolerance & stereotyping.


Bridging gaps like language barriers between health services and communities to ensure better-placed support for the needs of individuals.

Support Our Cause

As a charity, we have to raise funds for local projects and core costs. Activities we deliver are:

Culture Bazaar – An annual multicultural event in Carlisle that averages 4,000 visitors over the February half-term weekend.

Targeted projects including dance, food, music, and art through social engagement and workshops to bring together people from all over the world and locals.

During Covid-19 Lockdown, we have produced Culture Club Magazine online, to share experiences, knowledge and skills to keep connected and raise awareness of the cultural diversity in Cumbria.


Join our community of volunteers who have over the years ensured our community stands united and proudly together. There are lots of activities to get involved in, get in touch!