Night of dancing with Nihiloxica

Bugandan drumming with Nihiloxica We enjoyed a wonderful night of dancing and laughter at The Brickyard yesterday, seeing the amazing Nihiloxica from Uganda. A large group of diaspora enjoyed a joyous night of dancing thanks to funding from M-Unit.  Nihiloxica is a live project that harnesses the full force of the ancient Bugandan [...]

International Day of Peace 2023

International Day of Peace Each year the International Day of Peace is observed on 21st September, it began in 1981 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said, "Peace is needed today more than ever. War and conflict are unleashing devastation, poverty, and hunger, and driving tens [...]

Diaspora are Growing Well

Men and women from our diaspora groups have been attending Growing Well in Tebay since January. They attend each week and have built polly tunnels and raised beds, and are now growing and harvesting fruit and vegetables for use within the Tebay Services. It offers a wonderful opportunity for physical activity and a sense of [...]

Standing Together

Standing Together 14/09/2023 Today​ we ​​ask​ all our communities to unite and support each other in the face of division and hatred. We believe our communities should be safe places for all people and those who need help should be given it. Multicultural Cumbria know tensions are rising in Carlisle, and across Cumbria and [...]

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