Yesterday our Asylum and Refugee Coordinator, Laura Cooper, was interviewed by ITV Border, with two of our men’s diaspora group about the future of the hotels in Carlisle. Both hotels are due to close early in the new year, with all those currently staying there being moved to alternative accommodation, anywhere in the North West, or even the barges or barracks, with very little notice. As case in point, less than 2 hours after being interviewed about this issue, one of the men, Yousef, was informed that he was being transferred more than 100 miles away in the next 10 days.

Many of the men and women want to remain in Carlisle, as they have built friendships, attend college and have support from ourselves, local churches and other local charities, which they wont receive elsewhere. However they have no choice.

We will continue to support and offer guidance as they move away, and for the lucky ones that get to remain in Carlisle we will support them fully in the city.

To see the full interview –