Border City Greens FC Vs Hilltop Utd FC
Border City Greens FC vs Hilltop Utd FC Chris Middleton volunteers at CRAG and has been the driving force, to make change happen. [...]
Growing Well
Growing Well Men and women from our diaspora groups have been attending Growing Well in Tebay since January. They attend each week and have built polly tunnels [...]
ASR Low Beckside and Mungrisedale
Low Beckside and Mungrisedale volunteering The asylum seekers visited Low Beckside Farm in Mungrisdale on two occasions. […]

Laura Cooper – Ayslum and Refugee Coordinator
This is what I do!

Green PLACES project
We were invited to attend a number of activities as part of the Green PLACES project with CDEC and North Pennines AONB, supported by RSPB Geltsdale, Hallbankgate Community Hub, and the Ernest Cook Trust.
We visited Long Meg and her daughters, the stone circle and joined an archeological dig in the circle, and then had a wonderful walk to a local campsite to enjoy some time outside.
Long Meg 01 – 23.03.23
Long Meg 03 – 23.03.23
Long Meg 04 – 23.03.23
Long Meg 05 – 23.03.23
Long Meg 08 – 23.03.23
Long Meg 09 – 23.03.23
Long Meg 12 – 23.03.23
Long Meg 13 – 23.03.23
Long Meg 16 – 23.03.23
Long Meg 17 – 23.03.23

Sheffield Street Big Green Week
We were able to support Big Green Week, by helping local residents of Sheffield Street by transforming their street planter. We were able to make a huge difference to the work, and will continue to be involved with the design and replanting of it as a community area.

Freshers week at the University of Cumbria
I was proud to represent Multicultural Cumbria at the Crab Apple Fair at Freshers week. It was wonderful to talk to so many young people as they join the university and explain more about Multicultural Cumbria and our aims and ethos. A number of the freshers signed up to be regular volunteers with the charity, covering a wide range of skills and interests.

Tullie House exhibition opening
We were invited to attend the opening of the new exhibition at Tullie House of “Hair - untold stories”. Ebrahim and Hussain attended with me, and we enjoyed hearing about the exhibition, from the Professor who began the exhibit, and then being able to look around. It was a wonderful experience for the hotel residents to enjoy an evening away from the hotel.
Thanks to Tullie House for the invites