Project Description
Lina Mookerjee
Save the Date 20/10/2022! Book your Race 2B Conference tickets here!
Lina works as a Relational and Trauma Psychotherapist at Praxis Therapy. She will be hosting a talk named “What has changed in 75 years?” and a workshop on “Unconscious Bias” at this year’s Race 2B Conference.
She has been a Relational and trauma psychotherapist for the past 20 years, and has ran workshops that challenge thinking, prejudice and unconscious beliefs that fuel divisiveness.
On top of the psychotherapist career, Lina also works as a Media Commentator; Educator and Facilitator for Learning, working at the University of Cumbria as a Counselling Skills Tutor and has appeared on national radio and TV, talking about race issues and what we can do.
In 1991, she was also the first female/Asian electrical engineering graduate to be taken on at East Midlands Electricity – ground-breaking development as she reached working at board level.
“I am a catalyst for change and challenge, to support thinking and debate as well as empathy to understand more of the complexities of being human. I believe there is no value in ‘blame-shame’, but instead to engage in healthy, respectful conversations to dispel ignorance and encourage awareness.” – Lina Mookerjee