Project Description

Asylum & Refugee Coordinator
Laura Cooper
Laura joined MCC in June 2022 as Asylum Seeker and Refugee Coordinator. She works with and supports the residents of both asylum hotels in Carlisle with volunteer opportunities, social and wellbeing activities and engaging with the local community and other charities supporting the asylum seekers.
She previously practised family law in Carlisle before caring for and raising her family.
Volunteer Work
EDI Team Lead for Cumbria Scouts. July 2023 to date.
District Commissioner (Lead Volunteer) for Scouting in and around Carlisle until June 2023.

Laura gets her Level 2 in Food Hygiene.
Join Our Cause
As a charity, we have to raise funds for local projects and core costs. Activities we deliver are:
Culture Bazaar – An annual multicultural event in Carlisle that averages 4,000 visitors over the February half-term weekend.
During Covid-19 Lockdown, we have produced Culture Club Magazine online, to share experiences, knowledge & skills to keep connected and raise awareness of the cultural diversity in Cumbria