Stand with Ukraine
Residents of Ukraine need our help now. We need to come together and unite as power and give our support to Ukraine in their times of crisis. Innocent lives are being changed by political agenda’s. Peoples lives have been turned upside down and they have had to leave their homes and land and flee to seek safety in neighbouring nations. Civilians have taken armour to defend their nation and livelihoods as the structure and economy in their country has been uprooted.
They don’t want war, they want their life back! They want to live in peace and harmony again. We have all been watching news in deep despair and have the urgency to help the people of Ukraine. Now is a time to stand shoulder to shoulder and layout our hands out to help them with donations and services that they need most.
This page will give you the information to find the organisations, campaigns and services that have been started to support Ukraine and its people and help your enquiries about where donations can be sent for to help.
If you would like to contribute in any kind of help or have information to support Ukraine please email
We are also calling out translation volunteers. If interested email